Malta Investment Immigration

  • Visa Type: Passport
  • Residential requirement: No residential requirements
  • Processing Time: 30-54 months
  • Country/Region: Malta
  • Immigration Type: Investment Immigration

In 2014, the Maltese government passed a bill, the Maltese Citizenship Act No. 188 Malta Individual Investment Program Rules, which provides for the acquisition of Maltese citizenship by means of an investment. The European Union allows the Maltese government to grant a limited number of Maltese citizenships to third country applicants. Maltese citizens are EU citizens and enjoy a number of rights (residence and movement, freedom of movement, freedom of work, shared education, shared healthcare) and privileges within the EU, as well as the same or similar rights as local citizens in other member states. On November 20, 2020, the Maltese government officially announced a new policy on naturalization through the investment route, Granting of Citizenship for Exceptional Services Regulations, which provides for 1,500 naturalizations, with a maximum of 400 per year.

Application Requirements

  • The main applicant is at least 18 years old;
  • Through due diligence;
  • affiliated applicants include: spouse, unmarried financially dependent children under the age of 29, children who meet the definition of disability law (without age limit), parents or grandparents of both parties aged 55 and above (excluding 55);
  • Donate 600000 euros or 750000 euros to the Malta National Development Fund;
  • Donate 10000 euros to charitable organizations in Malta
  • Purchase residential properties worth at least 700000 euros and hold them for at least five years; Or lease a residential real estate for a period of 5 years, with an annual rent of at least 16000 euros;
  • All adult applicants are required to apply for residency status and must hold the residency status for at least 12 months (if 750000 euros are donated) or 36 months (if 600000 euros are donated) according to the selected donation type before submitting the citizenship application;
  • In good physical condition, the applicant must acknowledge that they do not carry infectious diseases or have a significant burden on the Maltese medical system;
  • Purchase health insurance with a global coverage of no less than 50000 euros

Application Fee

  • BlackRock Consulting Service Fee: 50000 RMB
  • Official and third-party fees are subject to actual occurrence

Advantages Of The Project

  • Visa free in over 180 countries and regions including the United States, Canada, and Australia
  • Non global taxation countries, no estate tax, no gift tax, no real estate tax
  • Freedom to reside, live, study, and work in EU countries
  • Flexible investment options, up to 12 months to submit citizen applications

Application Process

  • Preliminary evaluation and contract signing
  • Prepare materials, download resume templates, fill in and upload, and prepare application materials
  • Initial background check (10 days), conducted by the Malta government
  • Purchase or lease Maltese property (5-7 days), choose to purchase or lease Maltese property
  • Submit residence card application (1 week)
  • Log in (1 week), log in to Malta to print and obtain a residence card
  • Submission of qualification application (5 weeks)
  • Background investigation (4-5 months), further background investigation conducted by the immigration bureau
  • To submit a citizen application (12 or 36 months), it is necessary to wait for the selected donation type and hold the residence status for at least 12 or 36 months before submitting the citizen application
  • Citizen application principle approval (4 weeks), immigration bureau conducts further background investigation, and after passing the review, issues the second citizen application principle approval
  • Complete the investment (3 weeks), complete the donation investment within 4 months after receiving the original approval, and submit proof materials to the Malta Immigration Bureau
  • Oath of Landing (1 week), where the applicant logs in to Malta to take the oath and fingerprint (the oath must be completed within six months of receiving the citizen application principle approval)
  • Obtain citizenship documents (1 week) and issue citizenship documents
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The company focuses on providing clients with overseas investment immigration and global asset allocation focus services. Business coverage: US investment immigrants; Canadian investment immigrants; Australian immigrants; European immigrants such as Spain, Portugal, Greece, the United Kingdom and Malta.
